Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, February 4, 2010

They Like Us!!!

Yep, that's right! The adoption agency approved us to adopt a child from Russia! Now it is time to get down to business. We have an initial consultation with a local homestudy agency, and if all goes well we should sign with them on Monday. Then it is paperwork city, you would not believe the paperwork that we have to gather to adopt a child. We have filled a 2 inch binder with information that our agency sent with instructions and information that we are going to need over the next few months. They stated that it could take anywhere from 60 days to a few months in order to get all our information together! First, the easy stuff, birth certificiates, marriage certificates, and to get enrolled in our Hague Adoption class. All adoptive parents have to take a 10 hour course on how to raise an internationally adopted child. Hopefully we learn a lot! Well that is all for now, thanks for following along with us!

Randy, Denise, and Camden

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy it is going quickly (thus far). What a wonderful journey. Can't wait to watch it unfold!
