Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Adoption books for kids

I haven't done a lot of research on this, but as Camden gets older we discuss the adoption more and more.  Now I know that he doesn't fully get it, and won't until we bring these kids home, but if anyone has any adoption books geared towards kids I would be greatly appreciative!

I do have "My Adopted Child, There's No One Like You" by Kevin Leman

But if there are more, or even ones geared towards kids that are biological, or previously adopted I would love the titles!

Also I filled out Camden's passport application today, now just have to go get him a picture and go apply for his passport and he will be ready to go to Russia!

Edit: just realized when I got out Camden's birth certificate that I put the wrong city of birth on his application!  I know, sad, but the hospital where he was born is right on the edge of 3 suburbs of KC meeting, and I picked the wrong one, oh well!


  1. "MIshka: An Adoption Tale"....we read this a lot!! "Shaoey and Dot" and "A Mother for Choco"....also read these!

  2. When I Met You is specifically about Russian adoption. I wished for you and God found us you are awesome!
