Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Finally got the Question

When we are out an about we always pass the hospital where Camden was born since it sits right next to the highway.  Yesterday we were driving by and Camden yells, "That's were I was born where I came out of mom's tummy!"  I said, "yep."  Then he was quiet for a few minutes, and if you know Camden, quiet means that he is really thinking about something, the kid is ALWAYS talking.  Then he said, "Mom, Dasha wasn't in your tummy was she?"  I said, "No."  Then waited to see where he would go.

He then thought some more, "Well, who's tummy was Dasha in?"
Me: "Her birth mom's tummy."
C: "Well why didn't her birth mom keep her?"
Me: "Well Dasha was sick when she was born and her birth mom couldn't take care of her, so she decided to let us take care of her."
C: "So that's why we went to Russia?"
Me: "yep."
C: "OK!, Can we go back to Russia?  I want to stay in our apartment!"

Not too shabby for our first adoption related conversation!  Now don't get me wrong we talk about Russia all the time, but this is the first time that Camden really understood that something was really different about how Dasha joined us.

Hope you all are enjoying your Olympics, we now have two teams to cheer for!

1 comment:

  1. Aidan matter of factly told me that he was in another lady's tummy but he knows that she let him go so he could be my baby boy. . .brought tears to my eyes that he has really listened to my joyful prayer talk with him!! I know Dasha will hear you too. . . : ) Go Russia!! Get that silver!! : )
