Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The time has come...

To say goodbye.  Not really sure who still reads this blog, but I have lost my desire to blog anymore.  As we get busier with the kids schedules, sitting and writing about it just seems to take a back seat anymore.  I am not shutting the blog down, but unless something major happens in our live, I probably won't be updating anymore.  I will leave it open for people who are in the adoption process, and who knows maybe one day Russia will open back up and it will be a helping tool for some family.  So for those of you who still read, and I "know" who you are, friend me on FB, under Denise Boothe Denson.  I must "know" you from the blogging world, before I will add you, but you will see my adorable kids there.  If you are a random reader though, please don't be offended if I don't add you.  Just to protect my kids and our somewhat privacy.


  1. Well, I'll miss you here. . .but I'll try to find you there! I think I've seen you on one of "our" sites. . . : )

  2. I've been following you in "secret" for a long long time, and will be sad to see you "go".
    I wish the very best for you and your family!

  3. Blogging got old for me too! I do love to read everyone else's though :) I just used a website to print out my whole blog. I'm so glad I have it in my hands in case blogspot ever blow up!!! Enjoy your cute kiddos!!!

  4. I certainly understand!! I have found myself contemplating ditching the family blog as I feel compelled to use my time in other outlets. (I guess I already have since I haven't updated squat in over a month! LOL) I will definitely look you up on facebook although I am not a frequent user there. I have enjoyed meeting you over the last few years and certainly call you one of my "cyber" friends.

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