Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Russian Recipes

Our church has an adoption network where all the people who are doing international adoptions get together once a month and network. Our next meeting (12/2/10) we are having a Christmas potluck dinner. We are suppose to bring a traditional dish from our child's country. As a severely picky eater, I do not venture out of American Cultural foods much. I don't believe I have ever had a true Russian Dish. Can you help??

First I need suggestions for Russian dishes!
Second, if you have a good recipe for it, will you please send it! My email is ddenson@kc.rr.com if it is a detailed recipe.
Third, pray that it turns out well!!


  1. Denise~
    I have several "safe" Russian recipes - I will email them to you! Give me a day or two to find time to type them up :)

  2. I will also find a few family ones and send them over since I was going to post on my blog. My mom makes me two of my favorites for my birthday (12/10) each year - REAL beef stroganoff and gribnoi (wild mushroom) soup. And it is almost time for Russian tea cookies. :)

  3. My friend lived in Moscow and she recommended potato pancakes. Sounds pretty easy if you use a food processor. Yum. http://www.recipehound.com/Recipes/5169.html
