Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


“Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.”-Unknown

It definitely hard and slow, but I am learning. I ran across a blog the other day that taught me that I was being so selfish being sad that we still have such a long wait. They have waited over almost a year for a court date, that is right, a year. Their child has aged a year since they last saw them, that had to be outright torture. The good news is, they get to go get their child in a few weeks. I am truly happy for them! Again, patience is not my virtue, but I just learned a huge lesson.



  1. Wow, what a long awaited blessing for that family! I think we all should be doing our best to wait graciosly- glorifying God all a long the way. Praying for you as you wait, and asking for prayers in return as we wait. God bless! - Summer

  2. Reality checks really help when you are in the waiting mode. We waited 6 months for my son's court date and it was pure torture. I can't imagine a year!
    We are now waiting for our baby girl. We are just hoping the waiting for referral is the long wait and once we meet her it goes quickly.
    We shall see!
