Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Please Pray!

Yesterday it was posted in the news that a couple who adopted a boy and girl from Russia in 2003 were arrested for killing their son. The boy died a few months ago, but the autopsy finally came back at the end of Feburary. Well the parents were arrested which is good. The daughter is being taken care of by family members. The problem is...
1. This is the second highly publized story of Russian adopted children dying due to poor parenting or negligence. The first was the gentleman who left his 14 month old his his car on a hot day for 8 hours and the child died. That guy was found not guilty, which angered Russia.
2. The United States did not inform Russia about this latest event, which I guess breaks some of their rules. Needless to say they are mad.

Russia is now thinking about forfeiting all U.S. international adoptions. This scares me so much, we are not in near as far as some couples that I have been reading about, but still we are in the process and I don't know what Randy and I will do if they suspend adoptions. So please pray that Russia does not suspend interantional adoptions to the U.S.


  1. praying for your family & others that are hoping to add to their families.

  2. Wow, that is really awful. When I hear stories like that - similar to cases where foster parents abuse or neglect foster kids, it makes me think there is a breakdown in the system. Of course, my sister works with victimized children and she says that all parents should have to go through screening before having children... Anyway, it's sad because there are wonderful people like you who would make awesome parents. I hope they realize these cases are rare, and there are many amazing parents waiting to adopt. And perhaps they can implement some sort of "monitoring" (if there isn't?) through the adoption agencies here in the US to do follow-up visits and make sure children aren't being starved or abused. Just a thought. I'm praying for you all, and for all the poor orphans.

  3. Thanks Desiree, they do have follow-ups that occur, but that is only for the first 3 years. After that there is no accountability. Some countries after the official check-ups the parents have to provide yearly doctor visits, pictures, etc. Maybe they will take that action.
